Parque Industrial - Pavilhão E1 4805-661 Braga Guimarães, Portugal
253470700 +351 253 470 750 JORDAO
José Júlio Jordão
15 de junho de 1982

Spacious and airy stores

The best shopping experience in a proximity store that breathes light and space.
  • Spacious and airy stores
  • Murais compactos FUTURO 2 da JORDAO | FUTURO 2 compact multidecks from JORDAO
  • Expositor para autosserviço de peixe e marisco embalado da JORDAO | JORDAO's packaged seafood semivertical
  • Mural fruteiro FUTURO 2 da JORDAO | Fruit and vegetables multideck from JORDAO
  • Mural fruteiro FUTURO 2 com e sem portas da JORDAO | Fruit and vegetables multideck with and without doors from JORDAO
  • Expositor grab and go aquecido e murais compactos da JORDAO | Heated grab and go and mid-hight multidecks from JORDAO
The new Futuro 2 compact multidecks were the choice for this new proximity store.
With a design that helps free up space and improves visibility, the medium-height Futuro 2 multidecks (1.5 m or 1.7 m high) are perfect for maximising the space of a modern shop, making it feel more spacious and airy.

But that's not all, the new displays come equipped with low-maintenance condensers and silent fans that help save energy!

Small but powerful, keep your space clear for sales.
Contact us to find out more about the new Futuro 2 displays.

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