Parque Industrial - Pavilhão E1 4805-661 Braga Guimarães, Portugal
253470700 +351 253 470 750 JORDAO
José Júlio Jordão
15 de junho de 1982

Refrigeration with energy from the Sun

SUNFLOWER, outdoor display 100% sustainable and autonomous.
Refrigeration with energy from the Sun
Introduced during Host-Milano in late 2021, SUNFLOWER is an innovative refrigerated display case with a hybrid, solar and electric power system.

Designed for healthy living and wellness trends, proximity to nature and outdoor living, to which the pandemic context has given even greater relevance. SUNFLOWER brings all this together with solar power and cutting-edge technology.

The display is fully self-sufficient under sunlight, cooling at 0€ cost! 100% sustainable, 100% renewable.
When there is no sun, it works autonomously for more than 12 hours without needing to be connected to any power source. The system also includes a monitoring application, where one can control the produced and available energy.

The SUNFLOWER is one of Jordão's most recent launches. It is the result of the company's strong commitment to RDI and the development of sustainable and low-energy consumption solutions. Technology and food preservation go hand in hand for the Planet.
