Parque Industrial - Pavilhão E1 4805-661 Braga Guimarães, Portugal
+351 253 470 700 +351 253 470 750 JORDAO
Mr. José Júlio Jordão
15 June 1982

Tips for a successful business

Do you know how to optimize your refrigeration equipment?

Tips for a successful business

JORDÃO shares advice to have a successful business, aiming for the perfect conditions of hygiene, food conservation and optimal equipment functioning. To reduce unnecessary costs and boost sales.


Shops with well-exposed and well-preserved foods sell more and have lower product losses.


  • Make sure each food product is at the required temperature. Below we list the main food categories conservation temperatures. Always follow authorities’ and food producers’ guidelines.
    • Frozen foods  -18°… -15 °C
    • Meat -1°… +2 °C
    • Charcuteríe -1°… +5 °C
    • Dairy products +2°… +5 °C
    • Pastry products +3°… +6 °C
    • Fruits & vegetables +6°… +9 °C
    • Chocolates +13°… +15 °C
    • Hot food +60… +65 °C
  • Regularly check food items expiration date and remove out of date ones. It will avoid risks of food contamination and improves hygiene and food safety.
  • Ensure even and proper distribution of the products. Certify that no items, big or small, interfere with the cooling/heating system, do not obstruct air inlets/outlets and respect the loading limits. An overfilled cabinet is less attractive, sells less and has higher energy consumption.


For a balanced and adequate temperature within the cabinet, guarantee its maximum efficiency and avoid excessive energy consumption.

  • Respect the limits of product loading and do not obstruct air inlets/outlets
  • Do not place warm foods inside a refrigerated cabinet or freezer, in addition to compromising other products' food safety, it will increase energy consumption. Food should be placed inside the equipment at a temperature as close as possible to the recommended.

  • When the refrigeration equipment has doors, ensure they are kept closed whenever possible, a door left open has a significant impact on energy consumption. Check door seals regularly and, if necessary, replace them.
  • Mind the ambient conditions, temperature and humidity. Generally, refrigeration equipment is set to operate with an ambient temperature of 25 ° C and 60% relative humidity. For more demanding conditions, high-performance equipment must be considered.
  • Respect the recommended conservation temperatures, equipment operating at a lower temperature causes unnecessary energy consumption and if above it will cause product losses.
  • Refrigeration equipment must be kept away from heat sources such as ovens or direct sunlight.
  • When placing a cabinet against a wall, leave a gap space and do not block the air outlet grilles, ensure that the condensing unit is well ventilated.
  • Close the night-blinds outside the store's operating period.
  • Turn off the lighting outside the store's operating period.

A regular cleaning routine is fundamental to the health of the equipment and the business.

  • Before cleaning operations, remove all food and waste from inside the cabinet.
  • Clean the equipment with a soft and wet cloth or sponge. Use only warm water and mild non-abrasive detergents.
    • Do not use abrasive sponges or fabrics.
    • Do not project water directly to the equipment.
    • Do not use solvents or thinners.
    • Do not use sharp utensils.
    • Do not use steel scourers, steel brushes, scrapers or products cleaning containing chlorides.
  • After being thoroughly cleaned, ensure that all surfaces are well dried to prevent bacteria or mould growth.
  • Do not forget to clean the condenser, use an air jet, a dry brush or a vacuum with a soft brush, and with up and down movements remove any dust or fluff that may be deposited. A dirty condenser reduces the efficiency of the equipment and can increase energy consumption by 20% +.

Refer to your equipment's User Manual and follow the guidelines.

For any further clarification, contact JORDAO, we are here to help!
