Parque Industrial - Pavilhão E1 4805-661 Braga Guimarães, Portugal
253470700 +351 253 470 750 JORDAO
José Júlio Jordão
15 de junho de 1982

Ice cream, what is the right temperature?

Find what is the ideal temperature for your ice cream.
Ice cream, what is the right temperature?

When the ice cream maker puts the best of himself into his ice cream, he expects, as do his customers, that when it is time to taste, the ice cream is perfect, in texture, flavour and appearance.

The conservation and display of ice cream are very demanding and JORDÃO has developed solutions for its equipment to guarantee the ideal storage conditions, such as adequate airspeed or temperature uniformity throughout the exhibition area. Thus, extending the perfect state of conservation.

For JORDAO it is clear that each ice cream – handmade, industrial, ice lollies, frozen desserts, … - needs a specific temperature for its optimal conservation and thus guaranteeing the perfect flavour and texture at the time of being savoured.

It is with this in mind that JORDÃO ice cream displays are available in two operating classes, L1 and G3, so you can regulate the optimal temperature of the ice cream and guarantee its maximum quality.
Vitrinas para gelados da JORDÃO.Additionally, as JORDAO is focused on improving the efficiency of its equipment and reducing energy consumption, our ice cream displays include innovative solutions that allow you to reduce your energy consumption and thus improve the profitability of each business.

Are you planning to open or renovate an ice cream store?

JORDÃO has a complete range of vertical and horizontal displays for the exhibition and conservation of ice cream – homemade, industrial, ice lollies, frozen desserts and snacks – as well as storage cabinets.

It's time to prepare for the opportunities and grab those upcoming sales!

Let's work together?

Contact us.
