Parque Industrial - Pavilhão E1 4805-661 Braga Guimarães, Portugal
253470700 +351 253 470 750 JORDAO
José Júlio Jordão
15 de junho de 1982

Impressive stores

It's always good to return to good old habits, even better in a coffee shop with JORDAO showcases.
  • Impressive stores
  • Vitrinas DAISY da JORDÃO à entrada da loja. JORDAO's DAISY display cases at cafe entrace.
  • Vitrina refrigerada DAISY da JORDÃO para bolos e pastelaria. JORDAO's DAISY chilled display case with pastry products.
  • Vitrina neutra DAISY da JORDÃO com esteira metálica para produtos de padaria. JORDÃO´s DAISY dry ambitn display case for bakery products.
  • Conjunto de vitrinas VISTA da JORDÃO. JORDAO's VISTA dispplay cases.
  • Interior da vitrina neutra VISTA para pão da JORDÃO. JORDAO's VISTA dry ambient model interior.
  • Bancadas refrigeradas com portas de vidro NEXT da JORDÃO | JORDAO's NEXT chilled storage counters with glass doors
Two shops of Braga, Portugal, that trust on JORDÃO's solutions for the presentation of their bakery and pastry products.

Two solutions for assisted service that includes the DAISY and VISTA display showcases. Neutral models with food compatibility mat suitable for displaying bakery products such as bread, buns, baguettes... and ventilated refrigerated models that ensure the correct conservation of cakes and desserts.

Also, noteworthy are the NEXT chilled storage counters with glass doors that give more visibility and facilitate the location of products.

Thank you for your preference.
  • Unique and impactful stores.

  • Visibility that products deserve.

  • More efficient service and care.

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